About Heather

I'm a Writer, Artist, and proud snarky person.

Now a days I'm living it up here in Skiatook, Oklahoma. No matter where I go my love for comedy, Reality TV, and many other things will forever litter this little blog of mine.

E-mail me at HeatherNS17@Ymail.com and follow me on Twitter at Heather_Short17.

Thanks for your support!

~Heather Smith.

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Heather's Favorite things of 2012

Welcome to the last post of the Comedy Stars Blog of 2012.  Such a great year to be me. <3

Okay, lets start this off, nice and sweet.


Such an awesome band.  I do have a large bias towards them, since Ryan is from Tulsa.  Feel Again was a large amount with the drums and such.  The music video is no slouch either.  Such an amazing song, and proof that great music is still out there.  Here's the music video for Feel Again.  I'm just waiting for Native to be released.

Runner up: My Blood, Ellie Goulding. Listen to it here.  Another great song from a new album.


Not much fairness, I don't watch a lot of TV, and this is the only thing I really watched this year.  Denise is an amazing winner, and Survivor is something I cannot wait for latter on next year.


Such a fun cool game.  Awesome.  I got White 2, to go with White, and I have yet to be disappointed.  I love the new Pokemon additions  the way they alluded too the first games, and even have the ability for your past player character to be mentioned is cool.  It's all the little stuff that makes it a cool game and separated it from the rest of the Pokemon games.

Runner up- Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance.  Another fun game that is enjoyable to play.


Penner gracing my TV again, and for the fifth time predicting who wins Survivor.
Survivor OZ, thank you for being a great Survivor Podcast.  Looking forward to being the Survivor fact gnome again this year btw.
Obama wins the second term, this just in, I don't give a darn.
Halcyon and Human Again are released this year.  Ingrid Michaelson is still awesome.
My favorite holiday of this year, can't chose, what if New Years is awesome.
Going to start my weekly Survivor column during  Caramoan. BTW how the hell do you pronounce that?

Thanks for the epic year!  See you next time when I complain about something else.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Obligatory Christmas Post

Merry Christmas for those that celebrate it!  Or, if it's a normal day for you than happy December 25th to you!  Unless it's your Birthday than Happy Birthday.

This is has been a fantastic year for me.  I've been though a TON this year, mostly with my family, and college and stuff.  However, this will not be the last post of the year.  I'll do something special latter on this month.

Some projects that I will be working on include...

Survivor Caramoan- I'm planing on doing my first weekly blogging for this next season, as well as doing cast reviews.  I will be watching this time all the way, I was going to do this with the last season, but I couldn't watch it until the Penner boot because of cable problems.  I bitched about that on Sucks so much...

Survivor Oz Interview(?)- I have been asked to do a fan interview at the Christmas episode (to recap, I am the same Heather damn it) so this might be a possibility.  Not sure when it will happen, but I'm game.

Brawling Stories- I have got Super Smash Bros Brawl (yay!), so anything cool and interesting that happens will be included in my never ending quest to be an epic nerd.

Favorite things of 2012- Still doing it, waiting until closer until the end.  

And of course, The Great Guatemalan Rewatch- I'm putting it on hold for more info.  I've also been busy/sick.  I want to do a podcast, but I'd love someone to do it with or something.  I will go it, but it hasn't been the best of times sadly.

So, I got Survivor: The Australian Outback for DVD, and I love Tina.  What a badass!  Love her.  

So, leave a comment if you have any questions.  Follow me on Twitter for any news that I have.  Remember that Santa sees you when you're sleeping, so that makes him kind of creepy.

~Heather S.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Survivor- The Best Denise Ever.

A little late I know.  But I did it!

In my last blog post, I outright predicted a few things that happened, Malcolm would be voted out, Every finalist would get a vote, Skupin was a wild card, and the winner is none other than Denise.  Yay!

I did get a few things wrong.  Lisa did have a pretty good speech, it's just Denise's was better, and I was wrong about the fire building challenge.  Oh well, I still hate Malcolm.  I never really bought the "Golden boy" title and edit that he got.  Also because Blake is the golden boy, shove off.

So, we close a chapter on Survivor 25, and start a new one!  Survivor Caramoan I believe it's called/Spelled.  More exactly the second coming of Fans vs Favorites!  Once again, we shall see just how snubbed the season of Guatemala is just because the producers wanted Stephenie to win.  I'd rather see a second chances season (Tanya, Firefighter Stephanie, Brian C. and Amy O'Hara final four anyone?) over another Fans V.S. Favorites one.  At least we aren't going to see a three timer apparently.  So not Russell Hantz.  Yay!

I other words, I'm exited to see it.  I hope I'll be able to do watch it and do some tweeting about it like this season (Sort of) so yeah.

In other words, I was a guest on the Survivor Oz Christmas party.  Although neither Tanya or Brian C. showed up (My two favorites) I got to talk to John Carroll!  You can listen to it on iTunes, or Click me for the Online version.  It's pretty long, though, three hours.  How to do another one, and I shall be here waiting for my fan interview!

Finally, I'll wrap it up by saying, congrats Denise for being the third kickass woman to win the show in a row.   How's them apples Probst?  First Sophie, then Kim, now Denise gets a chance to shine.  If women aren't interesting characters, how the hell do they keep winning?

Denise Stapley. Sex Therapist and Survivor Winner
Always remember you can E-mail me at HeatherNS17@Ymail.com, or send me a tweet.  From all the way from Tulsa, I say have a great day, and I'll post something up if I survive the end of the world tomorrow.

~Heather S.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Survivor Finale: First time in Survivor History

This Sunday is the final episode of Survivor history.  I cannot wait until then.  I get to see who wins, and just how the Jury-Finalists configuration will work.

The People left:

Denise- She is a fighter.  If the contestants were smart, they would have voted her off long ago.  Now, I'm pretty sure if she'll get to the end, she'll either win outright, or barely miss it.  She is the Stephanie Palau version in this season, with a little Guatemala Steph mixed in.  Have a mentioned how ironic that she named Stephanie as the contest she was most like?  She is also the only contestant to go to every tribe council in the season, Stephanie not going to Willard's boot.  She's a fighter, and fighters tend to win.

Lisa- She's been on a roller-coaster hasn't she?  The thing about Lisa is that I have no doubt she'll make it to the end, however I don't see her answering any of the questions well.  I see her not being clear, her pulling a FTC like Neleh's one.  Although that did get Neleh votes, they were for sure votes for Neleh.  I can see Lisa getting votes, just not the ones she needs to win.  Sorry Lisa!  However, if she does pull of a win, I can see Sucks whining about it for days.  You know how much I love to mess with them.

Malcolm- You could win, but you won't.  The thing is, the only reason Malcolm could even get to the finals, is that if he wins Immunity and Denise gets voted off.  However, knowing Malcolm I can see him forcing a tie between Denise and Skupin.  You see, I don't see Denise forcing a tie at the final four of she wins, but I see Malcolm doing that.  I also see Denise beating Skupin in the fire building challenge.  I don't know, all I know is that I have strong vibe that he won't win.  Something is telling me that he pulls of something dumb.  Also he get's hit with the curse of the intro shots, he's last in the initial intro. 

Skupin- He is my wild card.  If Denise and Malcolm are smart  they'd boot his ass.  However if Lisa and Skupin are smart, they get out Denise.  So, I'm sure that this guy will make it to the end somehow.  I'm sure he'd find himself in the finals, and pull of something amazing if he does.  So, long story short, I see him winning, but I don't see him winning.  I'd think he'll win in a Lisa, Malcolm Final three, but he'd lose if Denise is there.  It's kind of complicated at this point.  I just hope he doesn't kill himself before the final TC.  Skupin's also first in the intro, which that has been a curse, but Boston Rob kind of killed it.  Still, I'm going to be very suspicious of a Skupin win.

Some other notes of mine-

The Survivor History part is alluding to the Jury of eight, Final of nine thing.  Even if it's actually a final of two, jury of nine, I'm still right.  The Jury of eight can work on a final three, because If all three people get a vote a tie would be almost impossible. 0-4-4 and 2-3-3 are the only ways this can happen I believe  and you can have the third place person choose the winner if a tie happens.  However, since I'm not considered a true Survivor fan by even liking the choice of a final three, I'll say that final threes suck and a final two is *whine* sooooo much better! *whine*

I can see a possibility of all three getting votes here.  It's a bold thing to say, but it has happened before (China) and I can see it happening once again.  I can't tell you who gets what votes, because I believe this will be more on answering the questions than personal feelings.

It's nice to see the tribe bitch getting voted out.  I don't think I can take two hours of Abi.  Plus I want to see her Jury speech.  I can so see her bitching at the finalists.

Malcolm has the coolest pale spot on his leg where he wore his buff all the time.

End of the year rankings-

My Favorite of this season- Penner/Denise
Coolest Tribe name- Dangrayne
Coolest vote off- R.C.
Funnest moment- Penner's boot episode.
Ranking of the Ancient Voices- 6/10 (Nice to see it not plain like One World, but it's still feels like it's lacking.)
Best Intro Shot- Angie. Penner is a close second.
Most Interesting Twist- Merge at eleven, jury of eight/nine.
Heather's Ranking- It still depends who win, but It so far, it's been a great season. I'll give it a "B".

So, what is your thoughts?  Questions?  Feel free to E-mail me at HeatherNS17@ymail.com.

Heather lives in Tulsa, Oklahoma with her Grandparents.  She currently goes to OU and is a huge fan of Survivor for seven years. She is the creator and owner of the Comedy Stars Blog.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Survivor Demotivational Posters.

So, this week I have the Great Guatemalan Rewatch, so to tie you guys over, I have 16 posters that will brighten up anyone's day, because someone else is having a worse time on a random location with strangers  competing for money.  Kind of like a job, except they get more money than you.

Let's kick us off with Mr Hantz himself

For reals, when does this ever turn out right for anyone not named Rob Cesternino?

Diane once called Mama Kim a bitch in one of her interviews. Poor thing never had a chance huh?


Poor Parvati.  No one deserves such punishment. 


Honer is one thing, being a graceful loser isn't even in the same tier!
(reason number 114 why I love Erinn more)


My number one favorite Rites, almost everyone dying in the vid caps they used.


Crazy Courtney and Shane.  BBFs forever man. :)


Kathy too?  What a player.


Let's play the "which one doesn't fit" game!
(BTW Why did you have to be allergic to malaria pills?)


I can't remember another time in China where they we're fighting.


From the reunion.  I wonder how many kids looked up to her now?


Yeah, I already posted this on my Twitter, but don't you love Irony?


I'm a fan of DiLorzeno, but lets face it, the Casaya group and Russell's group were full 
of crazy people. (Yeah, I'm going on a limb with Parv, but Russ is crazy enough for two)


Haha love her expression :)


Directed towards both of them of course.


Can someone tell me if that's Margaret or Danni in the foreground? I think it's Margaret...


The reason you never hear from Gary?  He's hiding.

I'm planing on making some more, if you want to see a specific picture, be sure to E-Mail me at HeatherNS17@Ymail.com or something.  You can just make it yourself.

Okay, Quick update because this Blog is growing to Scout size insanity.  I'm starting testing this week, so if you don't here from me until late, that will be why.  Also, if you are a fan of Survivor Oz, they are doing a Winter thing to celebrate their first year, and I'm planing on attending.  Be sure to join us, we still have some room.  Click here for more information!

Love you guys!
Heather Short <3

P.S. I'm still serious, I can't tell if it's Margaret or Danni looking at BJ like he's nuts.  Please inform me.