Thanks for letting me vent- Next!
Bikal is an interesting train wreck. I'm pretty sure that half of them don't know what's going on inside the dynamics of the tribe. Andrea's trying to attempt to become the next Parvati, except she's seeming to be all talk at the moment. To tell the truth- I can't tell what's up in Bikal. Phillip seems to still think he's in "power". However, the people to watch are Corinne and Malcolm. If you remember, this bond might be the next Malcolm and Denise on Philippines. Dawn, Erik, and Brenda seem to be there, but not shown much by the editing.
Brandon is also on the "All Talk" group. I was expecting another meltdown in that. All he gets is a small bit about everyone. I was excepting him to piss on 'em, literally. Back on Andrea- she does have a point about Corrine being a threat. However, I do except her not to do much, but I can see Phillip's fragile alliance to crumble, and Andrea will not help with that. In fact, I can see her being the Catalyst about it. Stay tuned.
However, Gota took the show. Shamar yelling at Reynold was nothing new to me. However, it's him also yelling at Matt and Julia that got me the vibes that he wouldn't last. He's too violent to keep in the game, only Sherri is keeping him around. Now that the Gota Six has the numbers, they can dump him anytime. It's not a smart move for them though, a tribe swap is lurking around every corner, and I know Sherri is a good fan, Julia studied the show before getting on, and Laura has to be smart enough to know that. So, I think that Shamar is done after the tribe switch. It doesn't help that Matt, Laura, and Julia are wary of Shamar. That's half of the alliance right there.
The thing I love about Gota over Bikal because that it's clear where the lines are. Cut and dry this tribe is divided. Seeing as the two people left are on Shamar's "no talking list" (lame name btw) are the only two people left on the Cool Kids alliance left. It's something that's out on the table, and they got screwed by themselves.
About the challenge- I like it. So far, there have been no 100% recycled challenges. People complain about them being the "same". However, the When it Rains, it Pours challenge has been used for around five seasons for example. (it's the one that T-Bird won in Africa) As far as it being combined, they did the same, exact thing (I found it amusing that Eliza's complaining about it on Twitter) in Micro. I'm not keen on it, but I'm not going to blow up about it, because it's not "new". If it was, I'd be more against this.
Lastly- Let's talk about Hope.
I was beyond Surprised that she didn't try to save herself by ditching the dead weights. In the end, I should have seen it coming, but for some reason, the fake out with Shamar telling her what to do to prove her game. It would have been what I did, but I wonder if she was banking on Julia and/or Laura voting on Shamar for some reason. I'm sure the editing had something to do with it. In all, I can't wait to hear all of the interviews about Hope. She seems like a lot more was going on with her.
And- we end this week's main discussion about this episode. Today's QotW comes from Andrea- Apparently I am hustling this season. Whether this is good or bad, I guess we will find out. Yikes. #Survivor #RideChoppersWinChallenges
By the way- #RideChoppersWinChallenges is the official hastag for the Favorites on Twitter. Sounds like something Malcolm pulled out of thin air.
~ Malcolm finds another *Older than Him* Female player to bond with. I love it.
~ I'm still so happy that my random favorite, Julia, is getting airtime. It may be her Sophie likeness that makes her that, but I'm still watching her. She might surprise us for sure.
~ Brenda is officially the next Ami. Minority alliance directly because of an overrated douchebag (Ami- Fairplay, Brenda- Phillip) and is getting very little airtime.
~ I'm pissed that Erik isn't getting a ton of airtime- but this is the fan's episode anyways.
~ I'm kind of annoyed about all the Hope jokes. I hope they stop with that.
~ Dear Bikal. MALCOLM SUCKS AT THROWING THINGS! Love- All the Malcolm Fan girls/guys that hate seeing him fall.
~ Eddie sucking at the challenge seemed to copy Malcolm in the first challenge. Thanks for the Homage!
~Cochran basically gave the editors the best Commercial for Survivor. It has to be one of my favorite Confessionals in the the season. (Next to Brenda's about Cochran being a pregnant lady) It also really reminds some of the more Casual viewers that he is a huge fan. Someone on the Fan's tribe should have had a confessional like this.
~ Shamar. He won't quit. I'm sure a few Survivors have had moments like that, and him being in a Marine kind of hits home to me, because I'm still quite involved with all of that stuff. A lot of people are complaining about him wanting to quit, but I like this scene because it gives him a little bit of depth to his character other that the angry, yelling guy.
~ I knew something was lacking in this season. Looks like we have it! The goofy, unnecessary hashtags are back! #Revote for something that happened for around four minutes!
~ I think I said somewhere on Sucks that "Sherri is the Tracey in power" or something like that. I hope a Tribe swap doesn't derail her like Tracey.
~ I was disappointed by the lack of animal shots. Thank you for asking.
~ I died a little inside when -Some- people thought that this was the first time there was a three way tie. I know Redemption Island sucked and probably needed to be blocked from memory, but people should know their basic Survivor trivia that episode three of RI was when the first three way tie happened between Stephanie, Ralph, and that one guy's name. For shame Survivor "Fans" that has done this.
~ Guess what! You can tell which one is Laura now!
~ As the Golden Glasses Girl (who does were contacts from time to time) Glasses > Contacts Shamar.
~ Last thing- The last time the three way tie happened was the episode entitled "Keep Hope Alive", the next time it happened a contestant named Hope gets voted out. God bless the little things in life. It keeps me going.
1. Sherri- No need to drop her down any spots. She's in an ideal spot on Gota right now.
2. Corinne- Her alliance with Malcolm isn't overbearing, and it's at the right place to make a difference right now, if they choose it.
3. Julia- Higher than Laura because she did better in the challenge. She's in no danger in leaving right now.
4. Malcolm- Like Corinne. Although he has the idol. He just needs to watch for an unlucky tribe swap
5. Laura- Even though she did have trouble in a Swimming Challenge, she's under Sherri's wing. Not going anywhere.
6. Matt- Not a lot from Matt today. Still in the Gota Six, but the girls seem to be key members here.
7. Michael- Same as Matt. Didn't see much, so I can't really place him higher than this.
8. Dawn- Need more of True Grit please. Can't place her higher for the same reason as the guys.
9. Cochran- I'd love to place him higher, but a few amazing confessionals isn't going to place him higher. I need more than that.
10. Phillip- Most of Bikal thinks he's a joke. Good luck making the merge.
11. Andrea- For some reason I messed up her name on my board and I just noticed? Anyways, just like Cochran, she's talking a lot but no action. She's lower because of the wariness people got from her. Oh, and targeting her own alliance members.
12. Shamar- I'll just say, half of your OWN alliance is annoyed with you. If anyone from the Gota Four is leaving it is him.
13. Brenda- Barely got a moment with her. Still in the minority.
14. Erik- *see above*
15. Eddie- My bottom three doesn't really change, except that Hope is gone, and none is left for Eddie.
16. Reynold- Must I say anything?
17. Brandon- All talk no action. Let's just say that Matt's beard has a better chance of winning that you.
Thanks! See you Saturday for a Tocantins update!