About Heather

I'm a Writer, Artist, and proud snarky person.

Now a days I'm living it up here in Skiatook, Oklahoma. No matter where I go my love for comedy, Reality TV, and many other things will forever litter this little blog of mine.

E-mail me at HeatherNS17@Ymail.com and follow me on Twitter at Heather_Short17.

Thanks for your support!

~Heather Smith.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Idol Flushing- Doing it right.

I'm going to say it now- Reynold's a dumbass.  I'm glad that the "cool kids" are half-way done.  I'm in love with that.  I'm not a fan of overinflated egos, and you can pick fights with Shamar to make him seem like an idiot, however it makes you seem like just as much as an Idiot by doing that.  You don't know how to play this game, calling you a fan is an insult to the rest of us.  Please get voted out.

Thanks for letting me vent- Next!  

Bikal is an interesting train wreck.  I'm pretty sure that half of them don't know what's going on inside the dynamics of the tribe.  Andrea's trying to attempt to become the next Parvati, except she's seeming to be all talk at the moment.  To tell the truth- I can't tell what's up in Bikal.  Phillip seems to still think he's in "power".  However, the people to watch are Corinne and Malcolm.  If you remember, this bond might be the next Malcolm and Denise on Philippines.  Dawn, Erik, and Brenda seem to be there, but not shown much by the editing.
Brandon is also on the "All Talk" group.  I was expecting another meltdown in that.  All he gets is a small bit about everyone.  I was excepting him to piss on 'em, literally.  Back on Andrea- she does have a point about Corrine being a threat.  However, I do except her not to do much, but I can see Phillip's fragile alliance to crumble, and Andrea will not help with that.  In fact, I can see her being the Catalyst about it.  Stay tuned.

However, Gota took the show.  Shamar yelling at Reynold was nothing new to me.  However, it's him also yelling at Matt and Julia that got me the vibes that he wouldn't last.  He's too violent to keep in the game, only Sherri is keeping him around.  Now that the Gota Six has the numbers, they can dump him anytime. It's not a smart move for them though, a tribe swap is lurking around every corner, and I know Sherri is a good fan, Julia studied the show before getting on, and Laura has to be smart enough to know that.  So, I think that Shamar is done after the tribe switch.  It doesn't help that  Matt, Laura, and Julia are wary of Shamar.  That's half of the alliance right there.
The thing I love about Gota over Bikal because that it's clear where the lines are.  Cut and dry this tribe is divided.  Seeing as the two people left are on Shamar's "no talking list" (lame name btw) are the only two people left on the Cool Kids alliance left.  It's something that's out on the table, and they got screwed by themselves.

About the challenge- I like it.  So far, there have been no 100% recycled challenges.  People complain about them being the "same".  However, the When it Rains, it Pours challenge has been used for around five seasons for example. (it's the one that T-Bird won in Africa)  As far as it being combined, they did the same, exact thing (I found it amusing that Eliza's complaining about it on Twitter) in Micro.  I'm not keen on it, but I'm not going to blow up about it, because it's not "new".  If it was, I'd be more against this.

Lastly- Let's talk about Hope.

I was beyond Surprised that she didn't try to save herself by ditching the dead weights.  In the end, I should have seen it coming, but for some reason, the fake out with Shamar telling her what to do to prove her game.  It would have been what I did, but I wonder if she was banking on Julia and/or Laura voting on Shamar for some reason.  I'm sure the editing had something to do with it.  In all, I can't wait to hear all of the interviews about Hope.  She seems like a lot more was going on with her.

And- we end this week's main discussion about this episode.  Today's QotW comes from Andrea- Apparently I am hustling this season. Whether this is good or bad, I guess we will find out. Yikes. #Survivor #RideChoppersWinChallenges

By the way- #RideChoppersWinChallenges is the official hastag for the Favorites on Twitter.  Sounds like something Malcolm pulled out of thin air.


~ Malcolm finds another *Older than Him* Female player to bond with.  I love it.

~ I'm still so happy that my random favorite, Julia, is getting airtime.  It may be her Sophie likeness that makes her that, but I'm still watching her.  She might surprise us for sure.

~ Brenda is officially the next Ami.  Minority alliance directly because of an overrated douchebag (Ami- Fairplay, Brenda- Phillip) and is getting very little airtime.

~ I'm pissed that Erik isn't getting a ton of airtime- but this is the fan's episode anyways.

~ I'm kind of annoyed about all the Hope jokes.  I hope they stop with that.

~ Dear Bikal.  MALCOLM SUCKS AT THROWING THINGS! Love- All the Malcolm Fan girls/guys that hate seeing him fall.

~ Eddie sucking at the challenge seemed to copy Malcolm in the first challenge.  Thanks for the Homage!

~Cochran basically gave the editors the best Commercial for Survivor.  It has to be one of my favorite Confessionals in the the season. (Next to Brenda's about Cochran being a pregnant lady) It also really reminds some of the more Casual viewers that he is a huge fan.  Someone on the Fan's tribe should have had a confessional like this.

~ Shamar. He won't quit.  I'm sure a few Survivors have had moments like that, and him being in a Marine kind of hits home to me, because I'm still quite involved with all of that stuff.  A lot of people are complaining about him wanting to quit, but I like this scene because it gives him a little bit of depth to his character other that the angry, yelling guy.

~ I knew something was lacking in this season.  Looks like we have it! The goofy, unnecessary hashtags are back!  #Revote for something that happened for around four minutes!

~ I think I said somewhere on Sucks that "Sherri is the Tracey in power" or something like that.  I hope a Tribe swap doesn't derail her like Tracey.

~ I was disappointed by the lack of animal shots.  Thank you for asking.

~ I died a little inside when -Some- people thought that this was the first time there was a three way tie.  I know Redemption Island sucked and probably needed to be blocked from memory, but people should know their basic Survivor trivia that episode three of RI was when the first three way tie happened between Stephanie, Ralph, and that one guy's name.  For shame Survivor "Fans" that has done this.

~ Guess what!  You can tell which one is Laura now!

~ As the Golden Glasses Girl (who does were contacts from time to time) Glasses > Contacts Shamar.

~ Last thing- The last time the three way tie happened was the episode entitled "Keep Hope Alive", the next time it happened a contestant named Hope gets voted out.  God bless the little things in life.  It keeps me going.


1. Sherri- No need to drop her down any spots.  She's in an ideal spot on Gota right now.
2. Corinne- Her alliance with Malcolm isn't overbearing, and it's at the right place to make a difference right now, if they choose it.
3. Julia- Higher than Laura because she did better in the challenge.  She's in no danger in leaving right now.
4. Malcolm- Like Corinne.  Although he has the idol.  He just needs to watch for an unlucky tribe swap
5. Laura- Even though she did have trouble in a Swimming Challenge, she's under Sherri's wing.  Not going anywhere.
6. Matt- Not a lot from Matt today.  Still in the Gota Six, but the girls seem to be key members here.
7. Michael- Same as Matt.  Didn't see much, so I can't really place him higher than this.
8. Dawn- Need more of True Grit please.  Can't place her higher for the same reason as the guys.
9. Cochran- I'd love to place him higher, but a few amazing confessionals isn't going to place him higher.  I need more than that.
10. Phillip- Most of Bikal thinks he's a joke. Good luck making the merge.
11. Andrea- For some reason I messed up her name on my board and I just noticed?  Anyways, just like Cochran, she's talking a lot but no action.  She's lower because of the wariness people got from her.  Oh, and targeting her own alliance members.
12. Shamar- I'll just say, half of your OWN alliance is annoyed with you. If anyone from the Gota Four is leaving it is him.
13. Brenda- Barely got a moment with her.  Still in the minority.
14. Erik- *see above*
15. Eddie- My bottom three doesn't really change, except that Hope is gone, and none is left for Eddie.
16. Reynold- Must I say anything?
17. Brandon- All talk no action.  Let's just say that Matt's beard has a better chance of winning that you.
Thank you guys for reading.  Three more days until the poll closes.  If anyone has any suggestions for a new poll, feel free to drop me an E-mail/Tweet/ Comment here.

Thanks!  See you Saturday for a Tocantins update!


Monday, February 25, 2013

Back to Brazil!

The next season I'm rewatching is Survivor: Tocantins.  It's been a few years since I've seen it (about two or so), I got it on iTunes and I'm going through it every so often and this time I'm really going to go through it.

To recap- Tocantins is my third favorite season, only after Vanuatu and Guatemala.  It's one of my favorites, and the only reason it's not higher because the ending kind of tapered off.  J.T. was too much of a predicable winner and I wish that the final two was Stephen and Erinn, and either one of them winning would have been fine to me. :)

I already got through the first episode, "Let's get Rid of all the Weak Players Before we Start", and I'm already in love with it once again.  It's the very magic of the show.  It's the reason I fell in love with Guatemala and Vanuatu, it's the location, the characters and their stories.  To me, there is no such thing as "old school" and "new school" Survivor.  There is only one era, and that is Survivor.  You can't really judge it all in such simple terms.

So- every so often, I'll just do a Tocantins post every so often to point out things that the common viewer missed.

Oh, yeah.  And that one guy named Coach.  Yeah, you might see him too.  Like a lot.

"I get to attention whore on ANOTHER blog?  YAY!"

Thanks Coach.


Be sure to vote in the weekly poll!  That's right, I'm starting up again after a full year of it being not on the blog.  It's basic, what is your favorite showing of Stephenie.  I am a Stephenie fan and I loved her in Guatemala.  She's going to get interviewed for Survivor Oz, and I pretty much started dancing.  So, be sure to vote!  It'll run for a week before I change it to something else! (that's why we call it "weekly")

Also, it's all weather crazy here in Oklahoma.  So I'm hiding out in my room for the time being.  See everyone again Thursday for the Caramoan Recap!

Who is this Jackass?

Sunday, February 24, 2013

It's just a Fing update!

And... that took me less than a month to break.  Good Job me.

Although, to be fair, I was busy yesterday with various things.  Like trying to fix my knee for starters, it's still hurting.  Come on...

Today's the Oscars! *confetti* However, I don't care about them, so I'm going to the live Survivor Oz episode with the one and only Rob Cesternino will be joining us.  I hope I get to asking him questions, most of them Deena related, or the fact that he still needs someone from Guatemala to grace his Podcast.  Oh and I'm rewatching another Season.  It is NOT going to be Panama like I thought it would be, but another one.  I'll tell you tomorrow :)

A hint?  Fine.  It's an even numbered season.  Yay!

Oh, and someday, I'm going to put up a poll for every week.  I'm not sure what it'll be over, but we shall see.

Okay that will be... wait, I need an image?  Oh, that's right.  Here, one of my favorite gifs.  #TeamTrueGrit!

Awesome!  Now I need to head out, I got some food that needs eating.
Bye everyone, see you tomorrow!

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Fall of the Cuties.

I know Allie ranked dead last in my Power Rankings, but she was easily my favorite of that doomed alliance.  It also hit me a little that she started her journey with Survivor at the same age as me.  She is older than me, so I know she didn't start with Guatemala like me, but it's all the same.  Wish they sent home Reynold for being a tremendous idiot.  More on that later.  But if you're reading this Allie, sorry about your placement! 

Let's start with tribe attention whore, Bikal.  I wanted to give Dawn a hug after Brandon went off at her.  Brandon needs to take a step back to realize that this is Survivor.  The million dollar factor is in play.  If you are in a minority position, fighting with everyone is not going to get you far.  Note to Survivor players: Minority alliance doesn't mean that you won't win, acting like a self centered ass would be be why you won't win.  Brandon is writing himself the ticket out of there in crayon.  Watch.

Phillip is as loony as ever.  He mentions Boston Rob like the guy's on the season.  In fact, I bet the only reason Phillip and Brandon are getting all of the airtime is the Boston Rob/Russell name drops.  I'm sick of it, but now I know how to hog up airtime if I get cast, though I would never do such a thing.  So we see little of the other Favorites sadly.  I'd love to see more Corinne and Erik.  This is giving me the hint that none of these guys made the merge.  They are milking the airtime as much as possible before they leave, like what they did with Fran.  Mark my words.  However, I give Phillip credit for the "True Grit" nickname for Dawn.  I love it.   

Now back to tribe Douche, er Gota.  Reynold takes yet another page out of the "how not to win Survivor" book in that he starts up arguments with Shamar in front of everyone.  It's true that Shamar is not smart in the fact that he is doing nothing, but the big one that I saw, it was Reynold that started it up.  It was a can of worms that didn't need to get open like that.  I know that he needed Mike and Matt on his side, but he shouldn't have done that in front of Laura, Julia, and Sherri.  Now they had more of a desperation to oust someone from the cool kids.

I'm surprised that they did another lame idol hiding strategy.  The "hidden in plain sight" version was cooler.  Sadly.  Reynold finding it without a clue is not that impressive.  I love how people think it's such a big deal when this happened first in Guatemala.  It's no longer a big deal, it never was.  

I'm a Laura fan.  Her calling out Reynold was gold.  I had a feeling that I'd love the fans.  I was right.  They have the camera's centered on the wrong people.  Gota tribe is where it's at!  This tribe is a train-wreck on fire heading towards a brick wall.  But the true star of Gota right now is Sherri.  Her alliance of Julia, Laura and Shamar will get far, especially since she convinced Mike and Matt to join up with them.  She will get far.

Now that was a riveting episode.  Today's Tweet of the Week is by none other than Laura Alexander of the Gota tribe. "I always notice a bulge"

Weekly Notes
~ Phillip almost killing himself with the tribe flag was awesome.  I wish it did kill him personally, but I'll deal with him seeming like a joke.

~ THEY DIDN'T CUT FRAN OUT OF THE INTRO!  I'm surprised.  Although I'll bet money that they will cut Allie out.

~ I'm going to be a bit proud of this, it was LAURA who suggested Allie.  I predicted that Laura would have a huge part in getting Allie out.  

~Why is Reynold a "Sprint player of the week?" 

~ The reaction on Sucks when Laura was announced as a choice for Sprint Player was funny.  Then we get to TC...

~ To those wondering why, they probably combined the Reward/Immunity challenge to narrow down the numbers faster. 20 people this season.

~Also- it's worth noting that they did that in Micronesia.  I don't mind it, since it should only be used once.

~ Yes I'm pissed Julia didn't get any airtime.  However she took it well. Tweet please? "Woohoo made it through tribal. My biggest contribution to the episode? Putting my vote in the urn #thanksproduction"

~ Speaking of the challenge- why did they have Malcolm throw things again?  Because that worked so well the last time.

~ A random funny moment. All of Shamar's votes came up with the right spelling, but Allie had two misspellings of her name.

~ Dear Jeff- NO one wanted to quit.
CSB's Power Rankings

1. Sherri- Leader of the majority alliance, and unlike Phillip, seems to garner the respect from her alliance members
2. Corinne- The most normal person from Bikal.  Can't really put anyone else here.
3. Laura- She got a "bump" in the list for making Reynold look like the fool he is.
4. Julia- Didn't see much of her, but with Sherri's rise, Julia has to follow.
5. Dawn- Dropped due to her #SurvivorBreakdown moment. True Grit's still in this though.
6. John Cochran- Seems to be just going with the flow at the moment.
7. Matt- He chose a side, but not in power.  But we'll see what this takes us.
8. Michael- *see Matt
9. Phillip- Malcolm and Cochran has voice their displeasure about "The Specialist", and they are in his alliance.  Not going to get far.
10. Andrea- haven't seen much of her, so really around the same place as last time.
11. Malcolm- Such a train wreck in Challenges. Remind me how did this guy go on a challenge run?
12. Shamar- Shut up.
13. Brenda- We saw in her last season what happens when she's in a minority alliance.
14. Erik- At least your being well manored, unlike someone you decided to be an alliance with.
15. Eddie- The Airhead quartet is now a Trio.  They are on borrowed time.
16. Hope- *see Eddie
17. Brandon- The Immunity Idol saved you this week. Don't expect to get saved again.
18. Reynold- Has idol that everyone knows about? Starts up needless stuff?  I can't wait until your vote off.

To all of those Survivor fans I say good bye.  Follow me on Tweeter.  Also if you have any comments or questions, feel free to E-mail me, or make a comment.  Next week, Brandon will once again do all of the talking but none of the action.  Can't wait to see his downfall.  Also can't wait to see the cool kids crumble into nothing.  All I can say is... Stay tuned. :)


Monday, February 18, 2013

Wonderful Week of Happiness!

... Not really.  Due to me being sick, I have a ton of work to do this week.  My professor forgot to E-mail me the essay I missed.  +10 points there.  Now I need to fast track it.  Moral of the story, don't get sick.  Ever.  Ever ever.

Anyways.  So, I think my Brian picture spamming has turned into an art.  My collection of pictures are as follow:

I'm planing to get a lot more too.  I'm not sure what I'm trying to accomplish here, but he has a lot of expressive pictures that I can easily make fun of.  The top one is my current picture on Skype at the moment.  I may rotate Brian pictures.  I encourage people to use this pictures of Brian for your own entertainment.  Maybe we can get him on a second chance season.  That would be awesome.  Amy too.  Both of them.  I might do a Guatemala episode rewatch 1-6 to just farm pictures.  It's gonna be fun.

When I get more free time.

By the way- Live Episode showed my mean side a little.  Russell, Shannon, and now Ryan Seacrest have all been insulted by me in the same episode!  Although, to be fair, I've been trashing Shannon all weekend.  It's all fun- I'm sure when this is all said and done, I'll get a lot of angry E-mails from Russell and Seacrest fans. (Since Shannon doesn't have any)

I think I'm going to be done now.  Episode on Wednesday, Recap on Thursday.  It's all good.  Honey Badger is the name.  Nice name.

I leave you with a non Brian picture.
  Thanks for reading!

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Survivor Week- from now on.

If you weren't following me on Twitter- One- you suck, two you weren't aware of my endless Shannon basing last night.  My gosh that was Fun!  I need to do it more often.  To be far, John Carroll gave me the idea to do it.  Although I will happy make fun of Shannon as much as possible.  I mean, love it or hate it, Russell is kind of "relevant" in that he got to the end twice, but Shannon was the second boot of a 20 player game and he acts the same way, only less drunk.  So, yeah, follow me!

Now that my attention grabbing paragraph is done.

I'm still beyond the moon happy for the new season.  I think it's going to be as good as the Philippines. I don't know about better though, there is no Denise.  I think Dawn "true grit" Meehan is going to as good though.  Also my new random favorite in Julia shows promise.  This will be fun.

My reaction to it all.
I love that picture- I've been passively spamming it on sucks.  Brian's real easy to make fun of for some reason.  If Brian should see this, he should E-mail me with some of his funny comments about making fun of him so I can point out that I had his back in the last live episode.

Speaking of Live episodes- tune in to this one, it's gonna be fun.

Also- I have pictures of my power Rankings that I have on my board.  It's a cool little thing in my dorm room that lets you hang up pictures and other stuff.  It held some of my drawings before, but I moved a few of them around to make way for my Survivor fan section.  Since I'm huge on trivia and getting things as correct as possible- I've decided to do this, and therefore I can't go back on it.

It's my baby. :)  It's really for me to have a hands on system to my Rankings, I do this before I write up the recap.  Also, I have the Reward/Immunity wins for each tribe, color coded name cards that can easily be adjusted in the event of a tribe swap, and the logo for the season in case I forgot or something, and Easy access to my arts and craft things.  That's not all of it though- when a castaway gets voted off, they get Silver marker'd.  Here's the evidence.

Who will be Silver Marker'd next.  Time will tell.

Thanks for reading once again.  Feel free to comment/ E-mail me about the contents of this meager update.  Next week will be a fun one.  Not sure what to put up Monday yet, but I'll figure that out later!

Way better than Shannon

Thursday, February 14, 2013

What do Rocks taste like?

Poor Franny.  I felt for her.  You know I did.  However somethings aren't meant to be.  I was very surprised that a first boot even returned, but that's how the cards played out.  

However, moving on from Franny.  I do like the Favorites this season.  It's an odd blend.  I fully expected everyone to start throwing rocks at each other or something.  They were also much better in challenges than I expected.  That reward challenge was a great one to start us off.  Caramoan is going to use more water challenges now that it's not raining forever.  It's already looking good for the challenges, but Survivor usually has great challenges.  I'm not worried.

The Fans tribe- Gota.  The fans have grown on me.  Such a dysfunction of a tribe there.  Shamar is cool enough to start up a fire, but he rubbed people the wrong way.  Allie, Reynold, Eddie, and Hope have already separated themselves away from the group.  In fact, a counter alliance has already formed!  Julia, Sherri, and Laura seemed to be the core players, with Matt and Michael seems to be those two guys.  Michael seems to be with the three girls.  With Shamar and Matt seeming to not be with those four.  Especial Matt.  He may not be in with the other four, but he's not with the brand new "couples" alliance.

One thing I noticed was the Reward challenge.  Right away, before anyone really had a chance to talk to each other on the Fans tribe.  Also, another noteworthy thing was that right away, Shamar and Julia seemed to be the stronger people on the fans tribe.  Shamar easily got the ring, while Julia helped seal the deal in the end.  And Probst makes a challenge comment for Julia, which is rare because Julia is a young, female player.  Keep an eye out for her.  I have good vibes for both of them, but Julia has yet to really piss someone off.

I think the less said about Reynold and Allie- the better.  I never really had a lot of faith in Allie.  She seemed too much like a girly-girl.  But I noticed that Allie dragged Eddie down in the Immunity challenge.  I highly doubt Eddie cared, but the other six contestants that want to move ahead should notice.  I'm sorry Allie, I highly doubt that you'll last until the merge sweetie.

The Favorites tribe-  I have yet to even get an idea on that tribe.  It seems so, weird an odd of a tribe.  I wasn't sure who are the power players are, but Phillip seems to be the center of it.  Yet again.  Corinne seems to be getting along with everyone, playing nice and all of that.  From what I get, Cochran and Dawn seems to be the people in the middle, the swing votes.  They are the ones with power at the moment.    

Now- to why Franny lost.  I see the same pattern, she made to many big moves too early.  Going after Phillip was too risky, even though Erik was scared of the guy.  Also, she should have been under the rader for a while.  Being a first boot is just as big as a target as winner.  There is no accidents when it comes to Survivor.  I'm not saying that Andrea made a good move, but in the moment when it was either her or Franny, it was a great move to not sit around and get blindsided.  So, good move on Andrea, it gave you three more days and it caused Franny to be an all important trivia question for those die hard Survivor fans like myself.

All in all, it's a great episode!  Can't wait until next week.  Today's Survivor Quote of the week comes from my good friend John Carroll! "Love the douche tribe! What a mess!!"  Talking about the Gota Tribe of course there.

Weekly Notes
- Why is Malcolm in contention for Player of the week?  Since when was "Tanking a Challenge" considered a great move?

-Speaking of Malcolm, he seems to be the new Stephenie LaGrossa.  I wonder if anyone knows that he was on Matsing, AKA one of the worst tribes ever.  

-Another Malcolm, him almost losing his shorts and mooning the camera was funny.  Jeff hyping it up was awesome too.  #SurvivorManlove anyone?  

- Here's a tweet between me and John " Malcolm lost his shorts- Every female gets excited in the world ” "and a couple of gay guys in Nebraska".

- Erik's fear of Phillip is kind of cute.  I wanted to hug him.  Sophie said on twitter that she wanted to adopt him. (The Survivor player, not my stuffed seal)

- Jeff calling the Favorites tribe "Heroes" at the Immunity challenge was something that made me do a double take.  Luckily, about all of sucks conformed that Probst is an idiot.

- Will the Intro sequence curse be in effect?  Michael and Corinne better watch out!

- The Turtle shots were AWESOME!

- Lots of cute little animals in fact.  The intro was amazing in that regard.  Good on everyone!

- Andrea as the "destroyer".  Sweetheart with a dagger anyone?  It's well known that "destroyers" love unicorns.

- Check this out- in my preview I said that Allie and Laura will not get along.  Looks like I was right!

-I also pegged Michael as a villain.  Only time will tell, but it might still happen.

- I also said that Reynold was this weird kid that no one wants to sit at the lunch table with.  I guess I was wrong big time!  
Power Rankings!

1. Dawn- She's in a power position so early in the game.  She's not going anywhere.
2. Cochran- Same as Dawn, but Dawn didn't have a blood stained history in SoPa.
3. Matt- Not a popular kid, but not with the misfits.
4. Michael- Seems in with Julia, Sherri, and Laura, but keeping his options open is a great idea.
5. Corinne- As long as she's not a bitch, she's in the clear.
6. Julia- Not Pissing anyone off and kicking major butt in challenges at the moment.  Julia's staying.
7. Sherri- A slightly weaker Julia.  Also not pissing anyone off.  Sherri isn't going anywhere.
8. Phillip- With Franny gone, Phil is in the clear.  Annoying to watch though, but not leaving at the moment.
9. Andrea- Well, her playing both sides are out in the open right now, but she seems to be protected by Phillip.  Time will tell.
10. Laura- We didn't see a lot of her, but she doesn't look like she's in danger, but if Michael/Matt go against them, she'll be the early causality.
11. Malcolm- Stop sucking in challenges.  Maybe then you'll reach a one digit number.
12. Shamar- Not in danger, but low because he snapped bad at Gota.
13. Brenda- Not sure where the alliances really stand, but she needs to work to stay afloat.
14. Erik- Interchangeable with Brenda really.  Less likely to charm men though.
15. Reynold- Pissant number 1.  Excuding six out of four people in you tribe isn't smart.
16. Eddie- Pissant number 2. *see Reynold*  
17. Hope- Pissant number 3. *see Eddie*
18. Brandon-#Survivormeltdown 
19. Allie- Dead weight in the challenge + is Pissant number 4.  Sorry Allie cat, your days are numbered.

That will do it for today!  I'll get live tweeting during the next episode as well!  As a reminder, I live in central time, so avoid me on twitter if you don't want to get spoiled.  Feel free to E-mail/Comment below, or just send me a tweet and I'll always talk back!  Talk to you later!


Monday, February 11, 2013

Planning Stuff for Wednesday

I'm live tweeting the episode  I plan to do all of them, except for if I have to record the finale or something like that.  My Grandma doesn't believe in live TV.  But the premier is for sure, unless the weather kills the cable or something.  Then I will accuse the weather gods of tampering with my life, and that would be an epic blog post.  So it's win win.  Also, my tweets during a thunderstorm would be cool too.

Also, I'm going to the local Walmart latter to get snacks for the show.  I need more Hot Chocolate, Pepsi, Goldfish (the crackers, not real fish), and some other things.  It's gonna be a party for one at my dorm, but I'll be on twitter to talk about it. :)

Also, in my dorm, I'm gonna try up a little project for the show.  Not sure, but it will involve my drawing of the logo.  Here, I have a picture of it somewhere.... 

Yeah, I can't draw ovals.  However, it's to keep track on stuff.  Most likely my power rankings for the show, so I can keep track of them.

MOVING ON!  The live episode. 7 Trish references, as well as one to the Lesbian Shopkeeper, and the phrase "Pull a Trish" was said once, and a mention of her being a Cheerleader was in there too.  Fun times.  I might try and count someone else.  Maybe Amy?

Moments before she killed Gary
Trish reminds me a little of my Grandma that lives in Missouri, they even like have the same voice.  I haven't seen my Grandma since I was ten though, so I don't know.  Maybe that is why Trish is such a random favorite of mine...

Also- I forgot to mention Brooke!  Damn it!  I got a Brandon B. reference, but not Brooke?  What the...

Moving on-  So, this week's gonna rock Survivor Fans.  I also got a little love from Survivor Sucks about me on Oz.  Yes that is possible.  Scary thought.  But keep your eyes on my Twitter, @Heather_Short17.  Feel free to E-mail me as well, or you can comment on here.  I'll respond, unless you are trolling.  Noooo feeding the trolls.

Finds Brian Corridan semi attractive-

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Next Week! Survivor Style!


I'm done now.  

Okay, next week live episode.  Talking about sexy Survivors.  Come talk about how amazing some of the guys/gals on Survivor look.  I might get out numbered by guys again, but I don't care.  I'm keeping track of all the Trish references.  If I reach ten, well that is like my goal.  And since her interview is coming up, that will be easy.

I use my fingers to count too, but I'll have paper on hand for a good count.  Oh, and why is she the name to look out for?  How many references will Trish get in a "Sexiest Contestant" chat?  This is TRISH were are talking about after all.  Well, don't worry, I shall answer that now.

Did Ozzy almost get sold to a shopkeeper in Panama?  No!  That shopkeeper wanted Trish, in that way.  Please, no other contestant was hit on by a native as hard as Trish.  Also, us Blue eyed, red heads got to stick together.  

Well, like I said last Thursday, I will start my Caramoan articles this week.  Get ready for it!  Also, the Survivor Oz interview for Trish (and Jerry) is happening!  I can't wait to listen to that!

This is probably the most attention Trish got after she went on Survivor- lol.

Monday!- *Updates and stuff about My life
Thursday- *Caramoan episode, "She annoys me greatly"- Power Rankings and Episode review.
Saturday- Something like this again.  Maybe with less Trish.

Love You Guys!  But not in a sexual way.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Pulling through the Week!

I feel fine.  I can do a backflip if you want me too!  Except I can't do a backflip.  Oh well it's the thought that counts!  I'm sure everyone was worried.  But don't be, your favorite blogging person named after an English plant is up to full power.  Unless you count that my throat still hurts a little.  Doesn't matter, I've played soccer in worse conditions than this.

Also as a cool, did you know- This is the last Thursday update that will not included a review of Survivor Caramoan until it is over.  That's right, blogging about the new season.  Also Australia's gonna get it about the same as us in the US, which is pretty cool.  Basically, take the cast preview, add in more relevant information about the players, then add in the weekly power rankings to determine who I think is going next and who is the safest each week.  I'll also make smart ass, witty comments like around 75% of my usual dialogue.  So have your comedy with your Survivor.

I'll be taking notes and include if any milestones are broken, what records have been reset and other fact gnome kind of things that I do.  For instance- no one has yet surpassed Aras in the "winner with the most votes against" record.  Best record to carry around in my opinion.  Keep track on who votes for who, all that jazz.

In related news, is it two hours or ninety minutes?  What the hell is going on with that?  Anyone what to clue me in?  I've been hearing both on Sucks, but I've grown up on the fact that so much snark and sarcasm exists on Sucks that I never trust the site for much.

Also, not much to report here in the always sunny Norman, Oklahoma.  And by always sunny I mean rainy/cloudy for 80% of the light of day.  However!  Since I forgot to include a picture in my last post, in other news I'm an idiot, I will leave this picture for some kind of reason I have seemed to forget...

Figure this one out ;)  I'm gonna go pull one of these latter, or something like that.

Soon to be live from my Dorm room

Monday, February 4, 2013

Sick with Something

Got sick with some kind of virus.  Ugh.  I'm not contagious though- I don't have a fever.  I just feel like I got hit by a mach truck.  I ain't ready for no hike.  I'll be fine.  

Got the DVD, except the third disk doesn't work!  What is up with that?  All of the rest of them, they all work.  Just not disk number three- which means no seeing Amy's, Brandon's, or Bobby Jon's Early show segments   I contacted Amazon again.  Maybe they'll help me out there.  

As for the rest of the week- the Grammy's are on this week I believe.  Rooting for Florence + the Machine.  As for the Super bowl- who won again?  All I remember that the power went out.  great job guys.

So, not much to do this week except for getting back my strength.  Another thing that I'm gonna focus on is simply getting better for the next project that I will be doing.  Things that I'm writing up for various projects is basically been my job for the last couple of weeks.  Including this blog as well.

So it's a short update this day.  I'm gonna take a nap or something.  Maybe watch some other things with my DVDs or something.  I don't know.  I'm not gonna run around or anything right now. :)


Saturday, February 2, 2013

Guatemala DVD

It's funny.  If you are not following me on twitter (why aren't you?) then you may not be aware that I apparently changed my address or something.  I'm not going to dwell on it that much right now because I have worked it out with them, and they are really nice about fixing it.  That being said, I probably won't be getting another DVD for a while because of money stuff.  Itunes is cheaper, and the only reason I'm getting the Guatemala DVD is because it is my favorite season.

Anyone who doesn't like it confuses me.  

So, I don't really have much going on this week.  If I get the DVD by/on Monday, I'll talk about that.  If not, I'll figure out something.  I am currently trying to get back into playing White 2, as I finished the main story now I'm getting to the post game goodies.  I'm also slowly going through all of the Survivor interviews on Survivor Oz.  Hard for me to do because I never watched One World.  Maybe it was for the better from what I heard.

So, I'm probably going to rewatch Panama around March.  Enough time to get caught up in school work and such.  Also, I may be unable to post much during the Summer (again lol) due to family trips.  Great to see the rest of the world for once!

Another rewatch I'm thinking about doing- Gabon.  I need to brush up on somethings about that season, I do remember that Gabon is one of the two times I wanted another finalist to win over the eventual winner, other time being Tocantins.  Susie FTW.  

So this Sunday is big here at OU, something about football or something.  Superbowl?  Yes that one.  I have yet to watch the Superbowl, but I'll say I'll be more than happy to watch it when the Giants make it again in order to watch my Uncle yell at the TV.  Fun times.

So, not much going on, besides work.  Not much to tell.  Kind of a lame update imo, but I tried.  
