About Heather

I'm a Writer, Artist, and proud snarky person.

Now a days I'm living it up here in Skiatook, Oklahoma. No matter where I go my love for comedy, Reality TV, and many other things will forever litter this little blog of mine.

E-mail me at HeatherNS17@Ymail.com and follow me on Twitter at Heather_Short17.

Thanks for your support!

~Heather Smith.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

THE Meltdown

So, Brandon's crazy.  Anyone surprised?  Hands anyone?  No?  Okay.

Sorry! For the lack of updates.  I'm not down being very, very sick so I didn't put up the Tocantins deal.  Sorry again.  Also, this was very, very late because I had to transverse across Oklahoma.  I'm finally back in the place that I call home.  Wonderful, Tulsa. :)


This day in the Caramoan, Gota is pleased to be finally to get rid of the dead weight on their tribe.  Reynold then starts getting an inflated ego about himself.  It's nauseating now.  Reynold talks wayyyy too much about himself to much for it to make me like him even ironically.  I mean, he talks about how because they "need" him to win challenges (That they are so far NOT winning with him) that they wont get rid of him.  Logic bro, use it.  Ugh.  I'm glad they aren't showing Julia involved in this mess.  They aren't showing her much really, she's just the designated idol bearer, if they do win any challenge that is.

Not much to say about Bikal, except that Brandon is once again, crazy.  Well, he's pretty cooled own at first.  He's talking about his family and stuff like that.  Even though it's giving the perception of quitting, I feel like it's some of the only time we are getting a hint of emotion from anywhere in Survivor these days.  I like scenes like this for that only.  However, people just whine about the quitting part.  *sigh*

#Rewardchallenge time- Rehash of Survivor Micronesia that's been rehashed before- challenge "Nut Basket".  They throw nuts in a basket for meat, veggies, spices, and other food not found in the OU cafeteria.  Brandon wants to hold the rope thing so they don't sit him out, then he is the first person to drop  his net filled with nuts.  However, Michael, because neither Eddie or Reynold are strong enough to hold a rope apparently, drops it before Phillip can winning it for Bikal!  Yay! Food, food, food!

So, Gota goes back to camp sad. :(  we also get a close up off Matt's feet, thanks editors.

Now, here's the fun part.  ANOTHER IDOL.  Now, I'm usually non-caring about these sorts of things, but multiple idols after someone wastes one/is voted out with one is a huge pet peeve of mine.  They didn't rehid the idol in Guatemala, they shouldn't do it now. I was hopping someone on Sherri and friends would find it, but unfortunately for me, it was Reynold, AGAIN who see it first.  Then he shows Eddie and stuff, but with no Laura to call his ass out, nothing comes out of it.  *sigh*

Now, here's the top of the roller coaster, back to Bikal.  Brandon is still boiling (his words) over Phillip.  See, he said to agree about keeping Brandon in the loop, or something, but Andrea said that he still plans to vote him out.  Brandon keeps forget that is a part of the game.  He then flips out after talking to Phillip.  He dumps out, well, does it need to be said? :)  Dawn trying to calm him down was my favorite part of this.

Now to the #ImmunityChallenge (The hashtag was shown right?)  Seems like a cool challenge, blocks and stuff!  Yay, it's a rehash of season-

Wait, Corrine says that they will give up Immunity to vote out some tonight?  Okay.  That, uh, helps.  Brandon though knows it's him and just blows up on Phillip.  Wow.  Probst separates him from the rest of the his tribe, after he declares the tossing of the food was for the Fans.  After heated exchanges, the idol is officially passed from Erik to happy Julia and the Fans witness a Survivor Second* in non tribal council voting, and everyone aside from Brandon votes for him.  With a vote of 8-1 Brandon goes home.

Please stop casting people with the last name of  "Hantz" or mentally unstable people.  It'll look bad for the show.  Thanks.

Today's tweet of the week is from good'll Malcolm- If there was ever a time for CBS to resurrect the hash-tag #SurvivorBreakdown, it's tonight


~ The lack of #SurvivorMeltdown did cheese me off to some extent.

~ The lack of Julia, Dawn, Brenda, and Erik did cheese me off to some extent.

~ This makes Guatemala Brandon the sanest Brandon ever.  Africa Brandon's sanity is still in question.

~ Brenda randomly did something to her knee.  Poor dear.

~ Malcolm also seemed to screw up his hand too.

~ Wonder if they go the "All Stars" route and reuse the challenge next week as reward?

~ Cochran could have just done a throwaway vote as well.  I would have just to be a jackass.

~ Corinne gets confessionals!  Added "s" as more than one too.  Awesome.

~ According to the internet, Brandon quit the game.  According to me, he internally blew up and needed to leave.

~ "Do the hand thing!" :D

~ I'd do more, but I'm totally spent guys.


Okay, I don't have the scraps of paper in front of my to figure this out.  I learned almost NOTHING from the past week.  So, here we go...

1. Dawn
2. Matt
3. Cochran
4. Michael
5. Julia
6. Malcolm
7. Corrine
8. Sherri
9. Andrea
10. Phillip
11. Erik
12. Brenda
13. Reynold
14. Eddie

So, long story, the rankings stay the same.  Err, Dawn, congrats on being the CSB Power Ranker this week two weeks in a row.  Maybe next episode we'll see some shifts.


Ugh, look at this mess I made of this blog.  I can't be so ill anymore.  To summarize, I was sick with a fever Sunday to Wednesdayish and I wasn't able to eat food and not feeling like throwing up.  I also was very tired due to lack of the food that I needed to do anything else.  So, I think I may have lost quite a bit of weight after all of this fun stuff.  Ugh.

Also! I'm back in Tulsa!  Yay!  I missed Danni when she was in town, but I'm finally back home for a week. However, for as far as I know, I'll unable to live tweet for next weeks Survivor and the recap may be delayed do to a later watching that I need to do on the CBS website.  My Aunt doesn't have cable because of Netflix.  Yeah, thanks Netflix...

Thanks for reading all of this.  Join you next time! :)


* Survivor: Palau was the first time.

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