About Heather

I'm a Writer, Artist, and proud snarky person.

Now a days I'm living it up here in Skiatook, Oklahoma. No matter where I go my love for comedy, Reality TV, and many other things will forever litter this little blog of mine.

E-mail me at HeatherNS17@Ymail.com and follow me on Twitter at Heather_Short17.

Thanks for your support!

~Heather Smith.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Comedy is Golden

Hey everyone, welcome to the holy Grail of funny.  Now, no one can ever say that because the world is just funny.  Everyone  who has humor can do this.  The international funny levels will never stop rising, because the world is dumbed down.  The dumber the place gets the more material comedians will have to work with.  It is the true golden rule of the comedian.  The more things you can make fun of the better.

Not everything recent is funny, there is a line but the more funny and more infamous comedians can cross that line multiple times and not worry.  Kathy Griffin and Danial Tosh are some examples.  Backlashes with comedians are commonplace. Margret Cho with her "Dancing with the Stars" thing with Bristol Palin are what comes to mind. 

With all the Comedians making us laugh, it is people like myself that keep the Funny gold standard. Those who can get a domain to have their own website are even better than mine.  You see, internet comedians have  the able resources to make things as funny as they can.  Betting the subject until it almost dies is a beautiful act of the internet comedians.

Here at the Comedy Stars Blog, (Homage to "The Comedy Store Players" in name only) I celebrate those whom find the funny and brings it into the light where it is laughed at. Comedy is golden, gold that never has a sell price, but demand goes up every year.:D

Heather Short- Comedian, Comedy Stars Blog creator.

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